Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Things I Am Thankful For

This morning, I am spending some much-needed me time in Starbucks sipping my Salted Caramel Latte. Im thinking about the craziness that is about to ensue when Thanksgiving and Black Friday hits, and the things I am thankful for.

  • I am thankful for family. This year I made the switch from being very much a loner to thriving off of family time.
  • I am thankful for my wonderful fiance, who has supported me through everything in the past three years. I know in my heart that there is no one more patient with me than he is and he has dealt with me at my absolute worst. He continues to help me become a better person each and every day.
  • I am thankful for all 4 of my jobs. Even if I only break even sometimes, I know that so many people are jobless and it makes me thankful I am able to deposit into my savings (even if I have to spend it 30 minutes later).
  • I am thankful that the latte I just spilled didn't burn me.
  • I am thankful for the food I will be stuffing myself with in just a few days.
  • I am thankful for the opportunity to go to college (although some days I think it is worthless...but that's a seperate story).
  • I am thankful to be able to teach. It has shown me that my passion is teaching children and has pushed me towards a career in Physical Education. I am thankful for all the classes, professors, and people who have helped me and supported my decisions along the way.
And I am thankful for much more, but I have classes and probably shouldn't spend the whole time blogging about thankfulness. :)

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